La Familia

Cirino, El Maestro - He took what his mezcalero grandfather and father taught him and turned it to an artform. Born and bred in San Baltazar Guelavila, Cirino uses what the world has given him to create magic. "I’ve tried other things, but I didn’t like them. I’d rather do this than anything else. I personally supervise everything to ensure the quality from batch to batch. When I’m working, nobody can take over. Others hire workers and they change them at each step. I am there from harvest to bottle to ensure quality control."

Kathleen, La Cantante - A voice, a piano, a fascination with the world, Texan Kathleen is a recording artist and entrepreneur who saw in Cirino’s artistry something harmonious, pulsating and electrifying, and so together they conceived Eléctrico Mezcal. "San Baltazar was a sensory overload for me: the music, the food, the conversation, the landscape and the mezcal. Eléctrico was inevitable."

Isabel, La Abanderada - As a child, Isabel would run to the bottle store to buy mezcal for her father. She learned to drink it at festivals but didn’t like the hangover cheap mezcal gave her. Discovering Maestro Cirino’s crystal mezcal through her son, Omar opened a new world. "Cirino’s pure mezcal doesn’t give you a hangover. It is passion, land, weather, celebration, sadness, elegance, the water of life. Mezcal takes me to the past, to the earth, to nature." Isabel has become a standard-bearer for Oaxaca’s mezcaleros and is vice-president of the Women of Mezcal, las Mujeres del Mezcal. She is leading the fight to protect the truly artesanal mezcals from the industrialistas.

Omar, La Conexión Eléctrico - "A friend of my brother in La Tlacolula used to visit Cirino to buy his mezcal. He started showing me how to sip and savor it, how to roll it around in my mouth, about the different flavors of every type of Maguey." And so, Omar jump-started the Eléctrico circuit, introducing his mother, Isabel, and brother, Diego, to Cirino and the mezcaleros of San Baltazar Guelavila.

Isol, La Embajadora - Her life embedded in the hospitality sector and with over a decade in Los Angeles, Isol is the West Coast US Ambassador for Eléctrico. She is the principal taster for us and the torch-bearer for her late husband, Diego, the reason Eléctrico Mezcal was born. "When I came to Los Angeles there was little mezcal around. Now, it is everywhere, but so much is very poor. I love that Cirino is so proud of his mezcal. This is not just work for him. He has kept his integrity and has stuck to his guns."

Eugenia, La Madre - The love that Cirino and his wife Eugenia have for each other is a deep and natural one. Cirino says she has no parallel and she, in turn, loves to work beside him on the palenque. Smiling, shy and caring, she is the mother of Cirino’s three children and has great pride. "It makes me feel really happy that my children are involved because we are all working together."

Jacqueline, La Mezcalera - Maestro Cirino’s daughter, Jacqueline is the fourth generation in her family to make mezcal and she’s a woman of ambition. ‘In five years, I see myself as a mezcalera maestra with my own palenque and my own clients,’ she says. "I’m really proud that people come from across the world to visit us, to drink and find out about our mezcal. I’m really shy but I do love to meet people and I love that they want to drink our mezcal."

Cipriano, El Padre - Cirino’s father gave him the skills to become a mezcalero. He taught him how to prepare the land for growing and gave him his love of animals. Now he supports his son’s venture into the world of super premium artisanal Eléctrico Mezcal. "My father taught me to care for the land and I still have the ox yoke he used. I am very proud of what my son, Cirino has achieved."

Arthur, El Tranquilo - Arthur is the rock on which Eléctrico Mezcal is founded. The guitarist, business-headed husband of Kathleen, his good taste shows in many ways. Not least of these is his passion for perfection, and Eléctrico Mezcal is an expression of that obsession. "Patience is a virtue that may frustrate some but rewards others. Nothing is more rewarding than knowing Kathleen’s patience and dedication have given us Eléctrico’s elixir and our Oaxacan family."

Nev, El Escriba - Our brother from another continent, Nev pens the tales of La Familia Eléctrico and connects the world to the joys of Eléctrico Mezcal. Another musician, an author and a global traveller, he brings poetry to our purpose. "There is eloquence in every sip of Eléctrico Mezcal, and after a few of them, the words flow surprisingly easily."

Lauren, La Compañera - It is hardly fair to call her a sidekick but that’s her own name for herself. Lauren polishes our image, tightens our digits and sends the Eléctrico message to the world. She is also a very professional Brit so her quotations are a tad formal. "It’s a pleasure to help share the story of this truly authentic brand with a global audience." See what we mean?

Ronan, Los Ojos y Oídos - The eyes and ears and opener of doors for Kathleen’s music. Producer, composer, photographer, videographer, Ronan introduced Kathleen to Diego, who introduced her to Oaxaca and Omar, and Isabel and mezcal and Cirino. From tiny acorns, mighty oaks do grow. "Kathleen and I have always agreed that our creative relationship would revolve around the word ‘yes’. However ‘out’ an idea might be, we would follow the muse and see where she takes us. Nothing is a failure, just another exploration."

Diego, La Inspiración - Diego was Isol’s husband, Isabel’s son, Omar’s brother, Kathleen’s recording engineer and the man who brought everyone together to create Eléctrico Mezcal. He was taken too soon but will always be in our hearts. We celebrate him with every sip of Eléctrico Mezcal we take. "As someone who grew up in Oaxaca, I say don’t draw conclusions too quickly. Just shut up and look at it because there’s so much to learn from it… Just dive into the culture, the food, the mezcal, the history, the archeology, the Zapotec people… There’s a sense that things are much more solid here."

Marfil, La Locomotora - Marfil has succeeded Dorado with the same dogged determination as her predecessor and is a close friend and confidente of both Cirino and Jacqueline. They tell her their secrets, but she never shares them. Cirino says, ‘Marfil eats two sacks of feed every day. When she’s not working, she’s eating! When she sees me she calls out, “I’m here and I’m hungry!”

The Nissan, El Rojita—As much a part of the family as our animals, our Nissan pick-up, El Rojito, the Little Red One, came from California as a gift from Cirino’s former employer there. Sun-bleached but determined, he has helped sustain the family through good times and bad. Eventually, he’ll retire, but Cirino plans to mount him on a motorized arm, circling through the air above the palenque.

Dorado, El Motor - Cirino’s horses are family members as well as playing a vital contribution to the Eléctrico flavor. Dorado is now retired and living in quiet comfort on the palenque, although he and his friend, Cirino sometimes go out riding. Such was Dorado’s understanding of the milling of the roasted pinas, he knew exactly when to stop pulling the Tahona, and once he’d stopped, no-one could tell him otherwise.

Bailey, El Centinela - Our guardian and friend, Bailey’s natural calm and gentleness is a smokescreen for the sharp-eyed, sharp-toothed beast that emerges if he senses you’re up to no good. And he doesn’t drink mezcal so he never drops his guard.