Environmental Sustainability Policy
Casa de Mezcal Eléctrico is a small traditional palenque in the hills around San Baltazar Guelavila. Our product is wholly dependent on our natural environment, and we recognize our responsibility to that environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. Therefore, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact and improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods.
We produce our mezcal from select varieties of agave (maguey) that have been either cultivated or grown wild without artificial or industrial fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides. We time our harvesting to ensure sufficient plants reach maturity and produce a quiote (seed stem). We then reseed the land rather than plant from ‘clone’ plantlets to reduce disease risk in our plants. We only harvest what we need and ensure that young plants are not harmed when we crop mature ones, leaving plenty for further growth. Leaves cut from the agave during harvest decay down to put nutrients back into the soil in our plantations.
We forage our firewood from dead local oak or purchase from certified sustainable suppliers gathered from dead trees or fallen branches. According to our principles, we cut no ‘green’ wood for firewood. The charcoal resulting from our process is sold to a local grilled chicken restaurant.
Our water comes from our own artesian well. It is sourced at the convergence of two deep aquifers blending local minerals and is completely free of pollutants. All our wastewater is used to irrigate the land during the dry season.
We have two horses and a dog on the palenque. Our horses are working animals who pull the tahona (the millstone) to crush the roasted agave hearts. They work only on occasion as we produce in small batches and if they don’t feel like working, we cannot argue with them. They live freely on our land and are members of the family. Bailey, the dog, is supposed to guard the site!
Eléctrico Mezcal is a family business. Everybody has a stake in it, and everybody is cared for as a family member. All employees and family members are taught to protect their environment and care for each other’s safety and wellbeing. All contribute ideas and methods to improve our environmental awareness and performance.