City of Beans
Oaxaca is the city and state from which Eléctrico Mezcal originates. It may be pronounced Wahaca, but it’s spelled Oaxaca. The name comes from the ancient Nahuatl word, Huaxyacac, a type of mimosa tree common in the area now known as Guaje, Wild Tamarind, or Leucaena leucocephala.
Being leguminous, Guaje produces bean pods, and guaje verde beans are highly prized for their nutrition and medicinal properties. Dried, roasted, and ground, the beans add flavor to all manner of Oaxacan recipes, and being a common indigenous crop, they’ve long been a staple livestock feed, too.
Guaje verde beans are full of proteins, vitamins, dietary fiber, and minerals and are known to address all sorts of ailments. Roughly ground with a pestle and mortar with garlic, toasted serrano chiles, a little salt, and water, the fresh, green guaje makes an excellent dip for tortilla chips while sipping fine Eléctrico Mezcal.
Image credit: M.A. kitchen where you can find an excellent recipe!